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Matthew Piper
Matthew has been a member of Corner Theatre Academy for
seven years. He has had the honor of participating in twenty-
seven productions with CTA. Some of his favorite roles have been
playing Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid, Nick Carraway in The
Great Gatsby, Bert in Mary Poppins, Jamie Wellerstein in The
Last Five Years, Danny in Grease, and Gaston in Beauty and the
Beast. While Matthew certainly enjoyed these productions, his
greatest acting honor was from These Shining Lives; he was
awarded Best Actor at the Walter Trumbauer District Festival, and
Best Supporting Actor at State Trumbauer.
Matthew has had the opportunity to work in many areas of theatre;
this includes lighting, sound, and student directing. One of his
greatest accomplishments with CTA was serving as Student
Director of The Yellow Boat. This play was selected as Best Show
in Chapter Select at the State Thespian Festival and was given
the privilege to perform at the International Thespian Festival in
Nebraska, in the summer of 2018. Matthew is grateful for the time
he has been able to have at CTA, and grateful that he has been
able to stand alongside some of the greatest, most talented
people he has ever known. As Matthew's time at Corner Theatre
Academy comes to a close, he is saddened to end such an
amazing, thrilling, and exciting journey; one that has been the best
ride of his life!
Matthew’s tentative plan is to attend The University of Alabama
next fall. Although his major is undecided at this time, he is
considering Political Science and Law.
Morgan Rollins
Morgan is a senior at Corner High School and has been in CTA for four
years. She has been a part of twelve wonderful shows. Some of her most
recognizable roles include the Bird Woman in Mary Poppins, Charlie Bucket in Willy Wonka, Sandy in Grease, Cathy Hiatt in The Last Five Years, and Belle in Beauty and the Beast. For two junior shows, Aladdin Jr and Mulan Jr, she had the privilege of working with the “littles” as choreographer. Her role as Eddy in The Yellow Boat was her favorite character to bring to life.For this role, she received the award for “Best Supporting Actress in a One Act” at District Trumbauer, as well as All-Star Cast at State Trumbauer. As for her future, she plans to attend the University of Alabama in the fall, majoring in Communicative Disorders to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. Morgan feels honored to have shared the stage with some of the most talented people she knows, and she wishes to relive those moments just one last time. To her, time spent working in the department was more than just making memories; it grew her confidence, her voice, her compassion, and her appreciation for hard work. She would not trade those experiences for anything.
Morgan is eternally thankful for her parents, Megan Garner, and Debra
Reeser. These incredible people continuously supported her growing
maturity as a singer, actor, and young woman. Without them, she would not be the confident, prepared person she is today.
Kyla Briscoe
Kyla is a senior who has been involved in CTA since her
sophomore year when she performed in her first show,
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka as Grandma Josephine. Since
then, she has acted in several productions, including
Grease, Letters to Sala, Tuck Everlasting, and The Very
Grey Matter of Edward Blank. Her senior year, she was
voted Historian for CTA’s Thespian Troupe #6639. After
graduating, she intends to pursue a degree in business.
Nathan Mann
Nate began his journey with CTA in 2018 with High School Musical. Since then, he has
performed in Willy Wonka, Grease, Letters to Sala, The Very Grey Matter of Edward Blank,
Tuck Everlasting, Beauty and the Beast, and The Yellow Boat. His hobbies include playing the
guitar, disc golf, fashion, collecting records, reading, and writing music. He intends to attend
Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee this fall to persue his Bachelor of Fine Arts in
Musical Theatre, and one day perform on a Broadway stage! His motivations are making beautiful art that moves people and to create art that amplifies the glory of our Creator.
“To my parents, thank you for being my biggest fans and toughest critics. Without you, I would not be where I am today. To Megan, thank you for showing me there is so much more inside me than I thought. Without you and the CTA family, I would have no idea where my life would be headed.
And to the friends I’ve made along the way, we have lived high school together; the last four
years will forever be a part of who I am. The good days where we laughed so hard it hurt, to the
bad days where we felt like just giving up, I wouldn’t trade these memories for the world. From the plains of Nebraska, to the snowy streets of Louisville, I will never forget the times we shared.
When I started high school, I thought I couldn’t wait to get out, but now I find it hard to leave. It will not be easy waking up every day and knowing that I will no longer be preparing for another show on this stage, no more waiting for the season announcement, no more waiting on the cast list, no more prayers together before shows. If only I could turn back the time.
Once a CTA kid, always a CTA kid.”
1 Corinthians 13:13
“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
“It’s our last chance to share the stage before we go our separate ways. High school wasn’t
meant to last forever. It’s our last chance to shine, to bring the music one more time.”
-Ryan Evans, High School Musical 3
From the desk of Mrs. Garner:
Congratulations 2021 Seniors!, I never thought I would say that to all of you, especially. I hope that you take with you the time, work, love, laughter, and maybe even some of the tears you have endured in CTA always. I hope you look back at these times as some of your best times in life. I hope that every plan, goal, and dream come true for you wherever you may go in your travels. I hope you remember the lessons you learned here and the family you created. I hope you take with you that feeling of knowing that you can do this and that whatever it is will be unmatched. I hope you always push yourself and strive for excellence. Never settle. Never doubt yourself. Never forget that even though you may wander for a brief moment, you are never lost...this place, these hearts and faces will always be here ready to help you find your next path. I hope you love life and find your heart's absolute happiness. I hope that you seek adventure, find the good in those around you, and always trust your ever true heart. I have always believed in you, your talents, and capabilities, so I know that one day, I will hear of your success far and wide down whichever path you decide to go. When I do, I will know that even though you may not be with us in the CTA theatre anymore, we have already exchanged a small piece of our hearts because we are this beautiful CTA family.
Always here. Always with you.
All my love always,
CTA Seniors 2021
Victoria Chandler
Victoria has been a member of CTA for four years
now. She has been apart of the crew for 13
productions and designed the lighting for shows like
Aladdin Jr., The Yellow Boat, Willy Wonka, Letters
to Sala, The Last Five Years, Tuck Everlasting,
Grease, and The Very Gray Matter of Edward
Blank. She has also experienced some stage
management, first being an ASM for Grease, and
then the SM for Mulan Jr. Victoria is an active
Thespian and was voted Social Media Chair for
Troupe #6639.
Victoria is grateful for all of the
wonderful times CTA gave her. Not only was she
able to see amazing shows and go on many exciting
trips, she also made some of the best memories
and friends that she will never forget. As for her
future, Victoria is looking at many different options.
She hopes that whatever career she decides to go
with allows her to travel the world.
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